French first names in Korean: List of 100 translated first names!

board with first names written on it

Annyeonghaseyo, dear French friends! Have you ever been curious about how your first name sounds in Korean? Or perhaps you're planning a trip to South Korea and want to present yourself authentically? Whatever the reason, knowing the Korean pronunciation of your first name can be both fun and useful. In this article, we'll explore the phonetic translation of 100 popular French first names in Korean.

The magic of pronunciation

Before diving into our list, it's essential to understand that Korean and French are two very different languages. The pronunciation of French first names in Korean will therefore not always be exact. But with a little practice, you'll soon be a pro! Don't forget that our list of the 20 most popular words in South Korea is available here. here !

List of French first names and their Korean translation

Here's a list of 100 popular French first names, their translation into Hangeul (the Korean alphabet) and their pronunciation in Korean:

  1. Marie: 마리 (Ma-ri)
  2. Pierre: 피에르 (Pi-e-reu)
  3. Lucas: 루카스 (Lu-kas)
  4. Emma: 엠마 (Em-ma)
  5. Louis: 루이 (Lu-i)
  6. Camille: 카밀 (Ka-mil)
  7. Julien: 줄리앙 (Ju-li-an)
  8. Chloé: 클로에 (Keu-lo-e)
  9. Mathieu: 마티유 (Ma-ti-yu)
  10. Sophie: 소피 (So-pi)
  11. Antoine: 앙투안 (Ang-tu-an)
  12. Isabelle : 이자벨 (I-ja-bel)
  13. Thomas: 토마스 (To-mas)
  14. Charlotte: 샬롯 (Shal-lot)
  15. Valérie: 발레리 (Bal-le-ri)
  16. Guillaume: 기욤 (Gi-yom)
  17. Élise: 엘리즈 (El-li-zeu)
  18. Maxime: 막심 (Mak-sim)
  19. Léa : 레아 (Le-a)
  20. Benjamin: 벤자민 (Ben-ja-min)
  21. Clara: 클라라 (Keu-la-ra)
  22. Alexander: 알렉산드르 (Al-lek-san-deu-reu)
  23. Sarah: 사라 (Sa-ra)
  24. Paul : 폴 (Pol)
  25. Margaux: 마고 (Ma-go)
  26. Romain: 로맹 (Ro-mang)
  27. Anaïs : 아나이스 (A-na-iseu)
  28. Hugo: 유고 (Yu-go)
  29. Manon : 마농 (Ma-nong)
  30. Jules : 쥴 (Jyul)
  31. Émilie: 에밀리 (E-mil-li)
  32. Martin: 마르탱 (Mar-tang)
  33. Célia : 셀리아 (Sel-li-a)
  34. Vincent: 뱅상 (Vang-sang)
  35. Lucie: 루시 (Lu-shi)
  36. Nathan: 나탄 (Na-tan)
  37. Amélie: 아멜리 (A-mel-li)
  38. Samuel: 사무엘 (Sa-mu-el)
  39. Zoé : 조에 (Jo-e)
  40. Gabriel: 가브리엘 (Gab-ri-el)
  41. Justine: 주스틴 (Jus-tin)
  42. Florian : 플로리앙 (Flo-ri-an)
  43. Élisa: 엘리사 (El-li-sa)
  44. Mathis : 마티스 (Ma-tis)
  45. Laura: 로라 (Ro-ra)
  46. Adrien : 아드리앙 (Ad-ri-an)
  47. Mélanie: 멜라니 (Mel-la-ni)
  48. Simon: 시몽 (Si-mong)
  49. Lisa : 리사 (Li-sa)
  50. Théo : 테오 (Te-o)
  51. Marine: 마린 (Ma-rin)
  52. Quentin: 쿠앙탱 (Kwan-tang)
  53. Fanny: 판니 (Pan-ni)
  54. Olivier: 올리비에 (Ol-li-bi-e)
  55. Amandine: 아만딘 (A-man-din)
  56. Tristan: 트리스탕 (Tri-stang)
  57. Élodie: 엘로디 (El-lo-di)
  58. Nicolas: 니콜라 (Ni-kol-la)
  59. Marion: 마리옹 (Ma-ri-ong)
  60. Michaël: 미카엘 (Mi-ka-el)
  61. Céline : 셀린 (Sel-lin)
  62. Kévin : 케빈 (Ke-vin)
  63. Aurélie: 오렐리 (O-rel-li)
  64. Dimitri: 디미트리 (Di-mi-tri)
  65. Laure: 로르 (Lor)
  66. Anthony: 안토니 (An-to-ni)
  67. Jessica: 제시카 (Je-shi-ka)
  68. Fabien: 파비앙 (Fa-bi-an)
  69. Éric: 에릭 (E-rik)
  70. Mélissa: 멜리사 (Mel-li-sa)
  71. David: 다비드 (Da-vid)
  72. Éva : 에바 (E-ba)
  73. Sébastien: 세바스티앙 (Se-bas-ti-an)
  74. Stéphanie: 스테파니 (Ste-fa-ni)
  75. Raphaël: 라파엘 (Ra-fa-el)
  76. Cindy: 신디 (Shin-di)
  77. Christophe: 크리스토프 (Kris-to-peu)
  78. Morgane: 모르간 (Mor-gan)
  79. Jonathan: 조나탄 (Jo-na-tan)
  80. Caroline: 카롤린 (Ka-rol-lin)
  81. Sylvain: 실방 (Sil-bang)
  82. Vanessa: 바네사 (Ba-ne-sa)
  83. Jérémy: 제레미 (Je-re-mi)
  84. Émeline: 에멜린 (E-mel-lin)
  85. Arnaud: 아르노 (Ar-no)
  86. Cindy: 신디 (Shin-di)
  87. Damien: 다미앙 (Da-mi-an)
  88. Jennifer: 제니퍼 (Je-ni-peo)
  89. Alexander: 알렉산드르 (Al-lek-san-deu-reu)
  90. Angélique: 안젤릭 (An-jel-lik)
  91. Boris: 보리스 (Bo-ris)
  92. Cécile : 세실 (Se-sil)
  93. Dylan: 딜란 (Dil-lan)
  94. Élodie: 엘로디 (El-lo-di)
  95. Frédéric : 프레데릭 (Peu-re-de-rik)
  96. Gaëlle: 가엘 (Ga-el)
  97. Hélène : 엘렌 (El-len)
  98. Ismael: 이스마엘 (Is-ma-el)
  99. Joachim: 조아킴 (Jo-a-kim)
  100. Karine: 카린 (Ka-rin)

You can also listen to the list here to get the exact pronunciation in Korean.

My first name in Korean

Is your first name not listed above? Don't worry, Korea Exploration has developed a tool capable of automatically translating your French first name into Korean (Hangeul and pronunciation). Fill in the form below to receive your first name in Korean in less than a minute.

Why does my first name sound different in Korean?

As mentioned above, French and Korean have different phonetic structures. Some French sounds don't exist in Korean, which can make the pronunciation of certain first names a little different.

How common is it for Koreans to have French first names?

No, it's not common. However, with globalization and the influence of Western culture, some Koreans are choosing Western names, including French, for their children or themselves, especially when traveling or working abroad.

How can I be sure to pronounce a French name correctly in Korean?

The best way is to ask a native Korean speaker to help you. They'll be able to guide you and correct you if necessary. Alternatively, there are many online resources, including videos and audio recordings, which can help you perfect your pronunciation.

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