Cover letter for a WHP in South Korea: Example and Guide

Image with a plane, the inscription cover letter south korea.

South Korea, the land of the morning calm, is a destination of choice for many young people eager to discover a rich and diverse culture while having the opportunity to work. The Working Holiday Program (WHP) is a godsend for those looking for a unique experience in the heart of Asia. But how do you write a convincing cover letter for a WHP in South Korea? This article gives you a step-by-step guide to help you make the most of your chances, and we've even included an example (template) to help you succeed!

Introduction to PVT South Korea

Visit PVT South Korea is a visa that allows young people aged 18 to 30 (32 until 2024) to travel and work in South Korea for one year. It's a golden opportunity to immerse yourself in Korean culture, learn the language and gain international work experience.

Why South Korea?

South Korea is a fascinating country, a blend of age-old traditions and modernity. Royal palaces rub shoulders with futuristic skyscrapers, and Korean cuisine, renowned for its unique flavors and health benefits, is a delight to the taste buds. It's a country that attracts visitors for its dynamism, innovation and rich cultural heritage.

Requirements for the South Korea WHP

Before you start writing your cover letter, make sure you meet the requirements for a WHP in South Korea. You must be between 18 and 30 years of age, have a valid passport, sufficient funds to support yourself and not have already benefited from a WHP in South Korea.

Writing a cover letter

The cover letter is a crucial part of your application for a WHP in South Korea. It should reflect your enthusiasm, curiosity and open-mindedness, while highlighting your motivations and your professional and personal plans for South Korea.

Highlighting your motivations

Why do you want to go to South Korea? What attracts you to this country? Highlight your interest in Korean culture, language, cuisine or history. Talk about your plans, whether professional, linguistic or personal, and explain how the South Korea WHP will help you achieve them.

Enhancing your career

Your background, experience and skills are assets for your application. Highlight the elements of your CV that are relevant to a stay in South Korea. Do you already have international experience? Do you speak other languages? Do you have specific skills that could be useful in South Korea?

Expressing Enthusiasm and Open-mindedness

Enthusiasm and open-mindedness are essential qualities for a PVTist. Show your desire to learn and discover, your adaptability and your willingness to immerse yourself in a new culture.

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Example of a cover letter for a WHP in South Korea:

[Your first and last name]
[Your Address]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]


Embassy of the Republic of Korea
125, rue de Grenelle
75007 Paris

Subject: Application for a Working Holiday Visa to South Korea

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my strong desire to obtain a Working Holiday Program visa for South Korea. Fascinated by the cultural and historical richness of your country, I would very much like to have the opportunity to discover South Korea in an immersive and in-depth way.

I'm particularly attracted by the diversity and richness of Korean culture, whether through its gastronomy, music, cinema or ancestral traditions. My wish is to fully immerse myself in everyday South Korean life, to learn and understand the customs, values and lifestyles of the local population.

What's more, I'm very keen to learn the Korean language on the spot, which will enable me to communicate more authentically with the locals and gain a deeper understanding of the subtleties of Korean culture and society.

I also plan to work during my stay in South Korea. This will not only enable me to finance my trip, but also to integrate into the Korean social and professional fabric, gain international work experience and develop new skills.

I am convinced that this stay will be an enriching and unforgettable experience, enabling me to grow both personally and professionally. I am ready to adapt and respect the rules and norms of your country, and I am committed to being a positive ambassador of France in South Korea.

Please find enclosed the documents I need to apply for a PVT visa. Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information or to arrange an interview.

Thank you in advance for your attention to my request. Yours sincerely

Best regards,


[Your first and last name]

For your PVT, insurance is mandatory for your VISA application. We work with an insurance broker to offer you the best deals at the best prices. Fill in our form to be contacted and save significantly on your PVT insurance.

Don't forget to check the specific requirements of theembassy about applying for a PVT visa and include all the required documents with your cover letter. This is just a starting point; feel free to add your own information and experience.


The cover letter for a WHP in South Korea is your ticket to an unforgettable adventure. It must be meticulous, personalized and sincere. Highlight your motivations, highlight your experience and express your enthusiasm to maximize your chances of obtaining this precious sesame.

Cover letter FAQ for your WHP in South Korea

  • How long does a WHP in South Korea last? The PVT in South Korea lasts up to one year.
  • What are the requirements for applying for a WHP in South Korea? You must be aged between 18 and 32, have a valid passport, sufficient funds (€2,500) and not have benefited from the program before.
  • Is a cover letter compulsory for a WHP in South Korea? Yes, the cover letter is an essential part of the application.
  • What should you emphasize in your cover letter? You need to highlight your motivations, your background, your skills and your enthusiasm for Korean culture.
  • Can I renew my WHP in South Korea? No, the South Korea WHP is not renewable.

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