Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Dongdaemun Design Plaza, often abbreviated to DDP, represents a fascinating meeting point between the past, present and future of the South Korean capital. This ultramodern complex, designed by world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid, is not only a symbol of architectural creativity, but also a hub of cultural and event activities. In this article, we'll explore the many facets of Dongdaemun Design Plaza, guiding you through its history, diverse activities and must-see events.

History of Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Located in the heart of SeoulDongdaemun Design Plaza opened its doors in 2014. The site was historically a sports stadium, before becoming this masterpiece of contemporary architecture. Its design was motivated by the desire to transform the former Dongdaemun area into a hub of innovation and design. The fluid, futuristic shape of its structure makes it one of Seoul's most photographed buildings, illustrating the city's evolution into a global metropolis focused on design and technology.

What to do at Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Dongdaemun Design Plaza is not only a feast for the eyes; it's also a vibrant hub of activity that attracts designers, artists, tourists and city dwellers alike. Here are just a few of the must-see activities:

  1. Exploring Design ExhibitionsThe DDP regularly hosts international exhibitions showcasing work ranging from industrial to fashion design. These exhibitions are a source of inspiration for creatives and design professionals alike.
  2. Participation in Creative WorkshopsFor those looking to stimulate their creativity, the DDP offers workshops and seminars led by experts in various fields of design.
  3. Creative ShoppingDDP: The DDP is home to a variety of boutiques offering unique products, from designer souvenirs to contemporary works of art, ideal for gifts or to add a touch of design to your life.

What's in it for me?

Dongdaemun Design Plaza is a multifunctional complex that includes:

  • Seoul Design MuseumA space dedicated to curating design collections that tell the story and future of creative innovation.
  • A commercial zoneWith local and international designer boutiques, it's the perfect place to find unique pieces.
  • Spaces for rest and contemplationGardens, terraces and relaxation areas designed for taking a break between visits.

Events at Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Throughout the year, the DDP hosts a variety of events that enrich Seoul's cultural life:

  1. Seoul Fashion WeekTwice a year, the DDP becomes the heart of fashion in Asia, with fashion shows by South Korean and international designers.
  2. Art and Design exhibitionsTemporary exhibitions and installations that regularly transform the space, offering new visual and intellectual experiences.
  3. Festivals and PerformancesFrom music festivals to dance shows, the DDP offers a lively stage for artistic performances.


Dongdaemun Design Plaza isn't just a building; it's a living space that exudes innovation and creativity. Whether you're passionate about design, interested in contemporary culture or simply looking for new experiences on your trip to Seoul, the DDP offers a fascinating window into the future of urban and cultural design. Be sure to add this Seoul gem to your itinerary for an unforgettable experience.

When you visit Dongdaemun Design Plaza, you're not just discovering a place where art and technology converge; you're immersing yourself in a world where every detail embodies beauty and innovation. So, are you ready to explore this iconic Seoul landmark?

Dongdaemun Design Plaza is open every day of the week. Opening hours vary according to the specific spaces within the complex, but generally, the DDP is accessible from 10am to 7pm. It is advisable to check the specific opening hours of exhibitions and stores on the official website before your visit.


Admission to Dongdaemun Design Plaza itself is free. However, some exhibitions or special events may require a ticket. Pricing details are available at the entrance to each event or can be viewed online.


Yes, the DDP is fully accessible to people with reduced mobility. Elevators, ramps and adapted toilets are available throughout the complex to ensure a comfortable visit for all.


Photography is permitted in most public areas of the DDP, but some exhibitions may restrict the use of cameras. It is advisable to check the signage at the entrance to exhibitions, or ask a member of staff whether photography is permitted.


The DDP offers several dining options, from cafés to restaurants, serving a variety of dishes, including Korean specialties and international options. There are also rest areas where you can enjoy snacks you bring along.


Guided tours in English and Korean are available for those wishing to explore the DDP with an expert guide. These tours are often free, but may require prior booking. Visit the DDP website for more information on tour times and availability.

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Where is Dongdaemun Design Plaza located?

Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) is located in the heart of Seoul, South Korea. More precisely, it is located in the Dongdaemun district, an area renowned for its lively night market and historical significance. The exact address is: 281, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul.

Korean opinions translated

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